Bulletin Board description/ explanation
Two Prank-Filled Days
by Praise Ugwu, Najma Aden, and Nagwa Kodi
Read by Zoe Tseng
Daisy the human, Sunflower the dandelion, and Lucy the zebra all lived together in the jungle. Daisy was 12 and a half years old, and she liked chocolate. She hated ice cream, especially strawberry ice cream.
Sunflower and Lucy were always so rude to Daisy! They were always popping out and scaring her, even though she was brave and hard to scare. Daisy was out for revenge, and so she decided to prank them back.
Daisy waited until night so that Sunflower and Lucy wouldn’t expect anything. She knew they were coming back from a scary movie event with monsters. She hid behind a bush in the jungle to scare them. Sunflower and Lucy were walking back home, holding their popcorn bags.
Daisy jumped out of the bush and scared them. Their popcorn flew everywhere! Sunflower and Lucy had big, scared looks on their faces. They ran away, with popcorn stuck in their hair. They were so scared of the monster from the bush!
Daisy laughed at them as they ran away and said, “I SCARED YOU! You scaredy cats, hahaha!”
The next day, Sunflower and Lucy went back to the bushes to look behind them. When they got there, they found human hair behind the bush! It was half black and half pink, and could only possibly belong to one human: Daisy. Sunflower and Lucy felt sad that Daisy had scared them.
“We should prank her now!” Sunflower said to Lucy.
“You’re right! Let’s get her,” said Lucy.
They made a plan to climb on top of the jungle trees and throw water balloons full of melted strawberry ice cream at Daisy. On the day they planned to scare her, it was hot and sunny out, which made the ice cream even more melted.
On that day, Daisy was walking on her way home. She was nervous that Sunflower and Lucy might be planning revenge, so she kept stopping to hide behind the bushes as she walked.
All of a sudden, twelve water balloons came falling from the trees. SPLASH!
Daisy ran home to clean up. She went to find Sunflower and Lucy, and said, “I’m sorry for scaring you the other night. It’ll never happen again.”
“We’re sorry for dropping balloons on you,” they both told her.
After two prank-filled days, Daisy, Sunflower, and Lucy got all of the pranks out of their systems. Now, they are friends and hang out all together. They go to the mall to shop and go to see movies together (as long as they aren’t scary movies).
Praise is 12 years old, Najma is 9 years old Nagwa is 14 years old.