Bulletin Board description/ explanation
Making A New Friend
by Olivia Martins-Suazo
Read by Zoe Tseng
A girl named Mimmie was going to a new school. The school was St. Parish Elementary School. At recess, she asked a girl named Elen if she wanted to play. Elen said yes.
Mimmie was short and Elen was kind of tall. Mimmie was wearing a pink and blue shirt and Elen was wearing a green shirt. They played on the swings together.
After recess, Mimmie asked if Elen wanted to come to her house. Elen said yes! Elen went to Mimmie’s house and had fun. They played on Mimmie’s swing set. While Mimmie and Elen played on the swing set, their moms had a chat about the school.
When the playdate was over, Elen asked Mimmie if she wanted to come to her house next week, and Mimmie said yes. Mimmie’s mom noticed that she and Elen’s mom went to school together. They said that the girls could have a playdate anytime!
Olivia is 9 years old.