Bulletin Board description/ explanation
The Tiny British Bake-Off
by Iman Shah
Read by Zoe Tseng
Welcome to the Tiny British Bake-Off. I’m your host, Emily. I am very experienced with kids, but not so much with hosting. I also love pie and cake. The judges today are Luap Doowylloh and Yram Yrreb. They are really experienced with judging, and are a little picky with their food. They know exactly when a pie is perfectly baked.
We’re in a tent on a summer day in August. Today we have ten kid contestants. Carl who is 6, Harris who is 7, Becca and Jamison who are both 8, and Beth, Howard, and Lainey who are all 9. Harmony and Harper are 10, and Edison is 11.
Today our bakers have to make the best pies. Here are some examples: apple pie, pumpkin pie, cherry pie, key lime pie, and mud pie.
Now the bakers are ready to bake. With one hour on the clock, the bakers have to try to make the best pies ever.
Let’s start by looking at Carl’s dish. Oh. It looks like Carl is going outside.
“Carl, what are you doing?” I ask.
“Well, I’m making mud pies of course!” he replies.
“And you're getting real mud?”
That doesn't sound too good for Luap Doowylloh and Yram Yrreb, seeing as they have to eat the food in order to judge it. Okay, it’s time to check on Becca.
“Hello Becca! What pie are you going to make for Luap Doowylloh and Yram Yrreb?”
“I am making an apple pie with cinnamon and applesauce,” she says.
“Hold on. Did you just say applesauce?”
“Yup. Homemade applesauce.”
Um… Okay… I think to myself. Let’s check on Beth.
“Hi Beth, what pie are you making?”
“Well, I’m making a blueberry pie,” she says, excited.
“Anything added?”
“Nope. Just plain blueberry pie.”
“Wow. Okay. That’s a first!”
Anyways, Edison is making key lime pie, Harmony is making egg custard pie, Harris is making cherry pie, Harper is making a strawberry pie, Howard is making a berry pie, Jamison is making blackberry pie and Lainey is making ice cream pie. The contestants have twenty minutes left.
Let’s check on Lainey. It looks like her ice cream is melting! Lainey is putting her pie in the refrigerator. Sixteen minutes left.
Carl is adding a LOT of mud in his pie. He might just take all the mud in the universe! I hope he doesn’t run out.
Let’s see how Harper’s doing. It looks like she’s done and she’s just adding some decoration to the pie. Ten minutes left and some pies are still in the oven!
We should check how Harry’s doing with his berry pie. This pie looks good with all the berries at the top. It looks like a fruit tart.
Okay, it looks like all the pies are out of the oven and are now getting decorated. Let’s see how Lainey’s ice cream pie is coming along.
It looks like the ice cream isn’t melting anymore, and it’s about done with the decoration. Five minutes left, and almost all the bakers are done…except for Carl. He’s still adding mud!
Two minutes! All these pies look delicious… except for Carl’s mud pie.
“All right, time’s up!” I yell.
It’s time to judge these pies. Let’s start with Carl.
“Is this a mud pie?” asks Luap Doowylloh.
“Yes, it is,” Carl says proudly.
“Okay, it smells… earthy.”
“Oh, that’s because I used real mud!”
“Um… okay. Time to eat this ‘delicious’ pie,” says Yram Yrreb. Luap Doowylloh and Yram Yrreb do not eat the pie. They just pretend to.
Time to judge Becca’s pie.
“Okay, this is an apple pie with cooked apples and cinnamon. It was in the refrigerator for a few minutes so that it wouldn’t burn my hands,” says Becca.
“This pie tastes delicious!” The judges say.
Beth is next, and she made a blueberry pie decorated with blueberries on top. It’s a little undercooked and soggy. “The crust tastes like raw dough!” the judges say.
The judges thought Edison’s pie was a little burnt, Harmony’s pie was too hot, Harris’s pie was too cold, Harper’s pie was very good, Howard’s pie was more berry than pie, Jamison’s blackberry pie was in the middle of good and bad, and Lainey’s pie was perfect.
The judges are now discussing who is going to be the star baker of the Tiny British Bake-Off. The bakers are waiting in suspense to know who the star baker is. “And the star baker is…. Lainey!!!”
Cries from the other kids fill the room.
“Now… go eat some candy or whatever,” I tell them.
Hi, my name is Iman. I am 10 years old and I like to craft and make funny videos. I don't like green beans. Three words to describe my personality are creative, independent, and caring.